Why be a rabbit? Be a snake.

No. Not now.
Why be a rabbit?
Shed some skin.

Cease your trail of fidgety fingers
and throwing a glance
Be a snake, wander beyond a nuance.

March toward me,
Put words in my mouth.
Accuse, excuse, blame or shame
throw at me what you prefer to
show me the place you suffered through.

By kismet,
we’re on the same page now
and as far as I can leaf through the book of life,
there is not a single passage like this
from now.
I think you feel that too.

My four eyes can foresee….
your caressing of hair and scratching of  palms,
Sending me nuance after nuance
Fade all your reasons away and
March toward me
I will take you to a trance within a trance.

Shed some skin.
Why be a rabbit?
No. Not now.


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